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Apz is a black and gray realism tattoo artist based in Copenhagen, Denmark..jpg

When and why did you start tattooing? Global Tattoo Magazine Interview

Updated: Sep 20

An Introduction to APZ's Tattoo Artist Blog, Inspired by Global Tattoo Magazine Interview

Welcome, fellow readers! Let's kick off this introduction with a few questions: How many of you have tattoos? Perhaps a full sleeve or even a small one, nada? Now, for the second question, I need your undivided attention. Picture this: You're about to get inked with your next tattoo. But wait a minute, do you seriously think that this tattoo has some magical powers to turn your personal life into a never-ending soap opera? Will it mysteriously make your family gatherings more chaotic than a circus? And hey, can we expect your business to go down the drain just because of a tiny piece of artwork on your skin? Seriously, is that tattoo going to unleash some kind of curse upon your life?

Just pulling your arm here! We all know tattoos won't have those crazy effects. So, let's relax and get back to reality. But seriously, have you ever thought about how a tattoo can actually make a positive impact on your life? Well, hold that thought, because I have something interesting to share with you.

A skilled tattoo artist named Apz is shown in the process of tattooing. The backdrop of the image features the majestic "El Peñón de Guatapé" located in the picturesque region of Antioquia, Colombia.
APZ working on a tattoo while overlooking the breathtaking view of "El Peñón de Guatapé" in Antioquia, Colombia.

Before I delve into the details, allow me to introduce myself through an interview I had the pleasure of conducting with the team at Global Tattoo Magazine. This interview will serve as a stepping stone to share my journey through this blog. It's been a remarkable nine-year journey since I embarked on the path of tattooing, and I haven't shared much of it with you until now.

This blog is dedicated to those who are either passionate about getting exceptional tattoos or aspiring to become talented tattoo artists themselves. My aim is to provide you with valuable insights and tips about the tattoo journey, based on what I have learned over time. Additionally, I will be sharing stories about specific tattoos that I believe will resonate with a broader audience out there.

So, whether you're seeking inspiration for your next tattoo or eager to enhance your tattooing skills, this blog will have something for you. Join me on this exciting adventure as we explore the artistry and significance behind tattoos, discovering how they can uplift your self-esteem and make you feel truly confident when you gaze upon your own reflection.

Let's begin with the interview.


When and why did you start tattooing?

At 17, I started tattooing in Bogota, Colombia. Inspired by Alan Pastrana, an airbrush artist, I ventured into tattooing. Researching online, I discovered the idea of being a "guest artist" and dreamed of sharing my art worldwide. I immersed myself in the tattoo community, never ceasing to travel, tattoo, and learn about diverse cultures. Over the years, I've journeyed to Copenhagen, Dubai, Germany, Argentina, Greece, Poland, Mexico, and more. Each trip fueled my passion, connecting me with people and leaving a lasting mark through my art. Tattooing became my driving force, transcending borders and enriching my life. From humble beginnings, I've woven a life blending art, travel, and appreciation for human experiences, beautifully etched in my personal story.

APZ working on a tattoo while overlooking the breathtaking view of a sunset in Dubai, UAE.


How would you define your style?

Tattoo of Sagittarius on upper arm in Black and White Realism by APZ in New York, US.In New York, APZ is a skilled tattoo artist trained by some of the best tattoo artists in the world. He specializes in classic realism tattoos using a modern black and white style, focusing on connected designs and full sleeve tattoos that enhance his clients’ style. His Sagittarius tattoo on upper arm speaks volumes with lifelike realistic details.

My style is a representation of individual journeys with photorealistic details. Where each design is crafted to blend and connect on the skin seamlessly. Using black ink that has been thinned with different purities, I create a softer and less intense look on the skin, resulting in a harmonious tattoo. My focus is on capturing the essence of each person's journey and translating it into a unique design that resonates with their story. The fluidity and balance of my work reflect the interconnectedness of our experiences, while the subtle use of black ink depth and nuance to the final artwork.


What do you do besides tattoos?

Apz stands proudly in front of a large, vibrant painting he painted himself. Apz views the painting with a sense of accomplishment, the rich colors and textures reflecting his unique artistic vision.

Recently, I embarked on an exciting venture with a phygital project. This innovative endeavor combines the oil painting technique with cutting-edge augmented reality technology. Viewers are invited to immerse themselves in a digital realm that enhances and complements the physical painting.


What is the best source of inspiration for your work?

Tattoo of Ship and octopus on full arm sleeve in Black and White Realism by APZ in New York, US.In New York, APZ is a skilled tattoo artist trained by some of the best tattoo artists in the world. He specializes in classic realism tattoos using a modern black and white style, focusing on connected designs and full sleeve tattoos that enhance his clients’ style. His Ship and octopus tattoo on full arm speaks volumes with lifelike realistic details.

The best source of inspiration for my work is the individual journeys of each collector. Every person has a story to tell, and their unique experiences inspire me daily. Additionally, I find inspiration in the diverse artistic proposals of artists worldwide, as they teach me something new every day.


Discover the transformative power of tattoos in your life. Share your own tattoo stories and experiences. Let's celebrate the artistry and storytelling behind every tattoo. Book your consultation and bring your vision to life. Thank you, Global Tattoo Magazine, for the interview and support, click here to buy The Book 11th Anniversary of Global Tattoo Magazine.


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